Midwinter Walking Stories

Another journey has taken us, this time through the hills, fields, woods and valleys of Wallonia, Belgium, and the darkest days of the year – glimpse Midwinter Walking stories 2019.




¨ When I walk I feel the beat,

When I walk I find a flow,
that takes me places I did not yet know.
When I walk I watch the land,
change around me, find my stand,
and find myself,
move through forests, move as elfs
with colored backpacks and a sign,
that perhaps I’m entering the quiet mind.¨
A note from Midwinter Walking stories 2019

Embraced by the darkest days of the year we ventured out into the Wallonian hills and forests, into sunshine and winterrain, into short days and long nights, into the ritual of being human on this Earth.

Hosted by Feros asbl for our first and last night, we enjoyed the warm and cozy homebase to venture out from and return to. For 3 nights and 4 days we emersed ourselves with the land and the elements, enjoyed sunshine and warmth on the first day, got                                                                                                        many chances to befriend the rain throughout the rest of the journey.

Walking was blended with writing exercises to go beyond our controlling mind and allow the quiet voices to come through. Conversation and sharing was blended with silence. Connecting with self was blended with connecting with one another and connecting with the Earth. Welcoming ourselves was interwoven with welcoming each other, and asking the land for guidance with exploring the ways we do, or can, give back to her.

¨… The group, the land, the forest spirits and the fire gave me a feeling of belonging. To be longing. And the darkness was a teacher to me. I think I never experienced the winter solstice so consciously, was never aware how special that time is. Now, I don´t want to miss this chance of profound inwardness ever again. …¨                                                            Participant of Midwinter Walking stories 2019
¨I recieved confidence. Confidence and trust to myself, but also to a group, to the fact that a group of people who may or may not know each other will find its own harmony, balance and every one, it seems, finds his or her place within the group. …¨                             Participant of Midwinter Walking stories 2019

Thanks to the land, all the beings that have cared for this place throughout time, and to Feros asbl for hosting us!

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